Wednesday, 2 May 2012

5 Reasons Why You Should Craft

There is really only one reason why you should craft and it involves the word need, not want, need!! But I'll stretch it over 5 just for you! ;-)

1. Everyone needs an outlet, your craft area will become the place where nothing else matters. I love to hide away in my craft room and get lost in making a scrapbook page!

2. Shopping!!!! You need to shop and these days you can buy craft supplies anywhere! Tesco, Poundland, but don't forget The Range (wish they had one in Paris)

3. Socialising is important, getting involved with an online community (docrafts only please) is the best excuse for needing to browse the internet for hours. Share your tips and techniques with your fellow docrafters, catch up with craft news wherever you go. Also find yourself a local craft club, a few hours of uninterrupted crafting is essential!

4. Everyone needs a butterfly, punch em, stick em, draw em, die cut em, anything, just put a butterfly on it. You know it looks good!!!!

5. Lets not forget Exercise!!!! A must in your day to day activities!!!
You need to exercise your imagination everyday or your cards might end up like this......


  1. Great post, have to agree the shopping is always a bonus!

  2. Hello Naomi

    I love your reasons for crafting and I just love that baby card too.

    Love and hugs

    Annie xxx
